Position your brand in the B2B community
locally and internationally
As a B2B supplier, you need to be sure your company has optimum visibility and a strong reputation in the B2B marketplace. Display by Kompass will help you to strengthen your image and position your brand in your domestic B2B market (Local Display) or worldwide (International Display) - a must-have internet advertising solution for exporters and importers!
- Eye-catching banners in Kompass B2B portal
- Simultaneous visibility in 70 countries
- B2B hyper-segmentation based on sector
- Measured ROI and support
Target relevant B2B audience
To achieve best ROI, carefully choose your target market :
1 - Geographical reach: domestic or worldwide audience?
With Kompass display you can be visible in 70 countries and 25 languages simultaneously.
2 - Sector reach: wide B2B audience or precisely targeted based on sector(s) relevant to your business?
At Kompass, we use the most comprehensive classification worldwide to allow you to target your business advertising precisely.
Choose your format and display period
At Kompass we offer two types of web banners in standard IAB formats:
• Megabanners (720x90px, 50mb): used for Local Display
• Activity Square Banners (300x250px, 50mb): used for both Local and International Display.
You can also take advantage of flexible display periods for your banners.
Measure your return on investment
Monitor the results and analyse your audience (views, clicks). You will clearly see how this unique way of online marketing is working for your company or brand.
Get support from Kompass experts
Kompass expert teams will guide you in your choice of sector(s), format and advise you how to ensure online advertising effectiveness and investment returns for your company.
A B2B brand awareness accelerator: locally and internationally
- Eye-catching banner advertising
- Precisely targeted audience
- Visibility in 70 countries simultaneously
- Enhance brand image & company credibility
- A link to professionals in your sector
A controlled investment
- Monitored results
- An assessment of the return on investment
- More than 75 million unique visitors
- More than 34 million B2B buyers
Tested. Proven.
With Display, our banner advertising solution for B2B companies, you can build and grow your brand awareness both in domestic and international markets among a precisely selected B2B audience.
Thanks to personalisation, you can permanently measure the performance of your activity.
They accelerated their growth thanks to Display
Discover how our unique banner advertising solutions helped other companies to grow their businesses.
AHC Oberflächentechnik Ltd
Metals, Machinery & EngineeringImproved international visibility and sales productivity
“Our company, AHC Oberflächentechnik GmbH from Kerpen, Germany, has subscribed for so-called “International display” for a year. This is a banner advertising which can be displayed for chosen sectors simultaneously in 66 countries. Within first 4 months more than 800,000 visitors have seen this banner. Over 700 clicks reached our own website. This is a great success! Many thanks to the Kompass team, especially Mrs. Jasmin Skorski for the good advice.”
- Eye-catching banner advertising
- Precisely targeted audience
- Visibility in 70 countries simultaneously
- Enhance brand image & company credibility
- A link to professionals in your sector
- Monitored results
- An assessment of the return on investment
- More than 75 million unique visitors
- More than 34 million B2B buyers
Our resource materials
We love to share our knowledge and resources wherever we can